Iowa youth rolls three perfect games

AJChapmanInsideCompeting at the Iowa State USBC Youth Association championship tournament in April, A.J. Chapman finished singles competition with a perfect game for a 758 series. But that would be just the start.

Chapman proceeded to start doubles competition with back-to-back 300 games at May City Bowl, and finished with a 234 for an 834 series. The stretch included 40 consecutive strikes.

"I just wanted to continue to throw the ball well, and to stay focused," Chapman, a junior at West Delaware High School in Manchester, Iowa, said of his thoughts after the first 300. "Take them one shot at a time."

He had games of 238, 279 and 249 for a 766 series in team to finish with a 2,358 all-events total. His all-events score set a state mark for youth and it also was one pin higher than the men's state record.

Chapman has enjoyed success in several tournaments during the last few months. He won the scratch all-events title and finished second in singles at the USBC Youth Open last summer, was sixth among youth bowlers (14th overall) at the USBC Team USA Trials in January, and won the Midwest Scholarship Classic in April, averaging 247.5 for 12 games. He also won the Iowa State Pepsi finals scratch division in March.

Chapman said his recent success was helped by bowling in the Team USA Trials, in which participants bowled nine games each day for four days on four different patterns and also "setting up different oil patterns at home has also helped."

With summer not that far away, Chapman plans to bowl in the USBC Junior Gold Championships, the USBC Youth Open and the North Pointe Insurance Group High School Singles Tournament, among other events.

"They are great tournaments, and I did well in youth nationals last year and was 82nd at Junior Gold," Chapman said. "It's awesome there are tournaments for youth in the summer and there is great scholarship money."

Besides trying to make Junior Team USA at Junior Gold, Chapman said he simply wants to continue to bowl tournaments, bowl on tough lane conditions and "continue to meet great people at these great tournaments."

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