International Bowling Campus delivers new Youth Resource Guide

ARLINGTON, Texas – The International Bowling Campus Youth Development team has developed and is distributing a new Youth Resource Guide designed for use by both bowling centers and United States Bowling Congress associations.

The Youth Resource Guide is designed to aid in the creation of new youth bowling programs in local communities and was created to help bowling centers and USBC associations work together to build relationships and create unique experiences for youth in their community. The guide can be found here:

The 20-page guide covers a wide range of information, including Bowler’s Ed, Standard Youth Programs, USA Bowling Tournaments and USBC National Scholarships. The guide also features a section about the Youth Resource Center on and free creative services offered by IBC Youth Development.

The guide takes time to detail “Why it Works” and “Steps to Success” for each program/topic.

“The comprehensive nature of this new Youth Resource Guide makes it an invaluable resource for youth bowlers and those who promote youth bowling,” said IBC Youth Chairperson Chrissie Kent. “The guide will enable bowling centers and local associations to effectively engage youth in their areas.”

While the previous Youth League Development Guide focused solely on leagues, the new Youth Resource Guide has been expanded to encompass not only league play, but also tournament play, scholarships, the Youth Resource Center and other programs that would not be considered “organized” league/tournament play.

In addition to the new Youth Resource Guide, the Youth Development team has created a way for youths and youth leaders to tell their bowling stories via a “Youth Program Success Story” page on, which can be found by clicking here:

For more information on youth bowling, go to